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FAQ - Eureka!

What is the eligibility criteria to request tickets?

As a non-profit organisation supporting the autistic community within the North of England and the Midlands, those wishing to request tickets MUST currently reside within the North of England or the Midlands, and at least one member of your group MUST have either an autism diagnosis or be on the autism pathway. 


Does the person with the autism diagnosis have to attend the event with us?

Yes, when requesting tickets, the person whose diagnosis that you have uploaded must be attending the event also. 


What will I need to request tickets?

When requesting tickets you MUST upload either a autism diagnosis letter OR a referral letter stating that the recipient is on the pathway. 


Proof of address, this must be dated within the last 6 months, we will accept the following: council tax bill, bank statement, universal credit, working tax credit, DWP, water, electricity or gas bill.


What proof do you accept?

  • Diagnosis documents either NHS or private.

  • A dated referral letter stating that the recipient is on the pathway.

  • Appointment letter that states recipient has an autism diagnosis. 

  • A letter from your doctor stating that the recipient has an autism diagnosis. 

  • EHCP's where it states that the recipient has an autism diagnosis. 


What we do NOT accept as proof?

  • DWP letters.

  • Screenshots from the NHS app.

  • Blue Badges.

  • Cinema/Access cards.


Are the tickets available on a first come, first serve basis?

Yes, as long as you meet the eligibility criteria and have uploaded the correct proof.​


We have multiple children with an autism diagnosis/on the pathway. Can we request tickets using each child’s evidence?

No, we ask that you only request tickets for immediate family i.e. parents/carers and siblings. To ensure more families can benefit from the event. No, we kindly ask that you only request tickets using evidence for one individual (one request per household.)


We understand the importance of accessibility and inclusion for individuals and families with children on the autism spectrum. Our events are designed to provide a welcoming and supportive environment for individuals and their families. However, due to the hight demand for tickets and limited availability, we must implement certain restrictions to ensure fairness and accommodate as many individuals and families as possible. 


By requesting tickets using evidence for one individual per household, we can better distribute our resources and offer the opportunity for a wider range of families to attend our events. This approach allows us to maintain the quality of our support and uphold our commitment to supporting the autistic community. 


Can we request tickets for siblings as well?

Yes. We ask that you only request tickets for immediate family i.e. parents/carers and siblings. To ensure more families can benefit from the event. 


Do I need to buy a ticket for my baby who is less than 1 year old?

Yes. Every person that will be attending the event requires to purchase a ticket regardless of age.


Can we use our Max card or annual pass?

As this is a private event you will not be able to use a Max card or annual pass, everyone wanting to attend this event must purchase a ticket via The A World UK. 


Will I receive an annual pass?

As this is a private event you will not receive an annual pass to Eureka! 


Do carers need to buy a ticket?

Yes. Every person that will be attending the event requires to purchase a ticket.


Why can we not spend all day at Eureka! ?

As Eureka! is an indoor venue we have made the decision to split this event into 2 sessions, a morning and afternoon session. This will allow us to keep numbers to a minimum ensuring that guests attending will be able to experience Eureka! in an autism friendly environment. 


Do we have to arrive at our allocated time?

Yes, for this event we suggest arriving at your allocated session time. Unfortunately, If you do arrive later than scheduled, you will still need to leave at the allocated time, you will not be allowed to stay inside the venue after your allocated time.


Can I bring my dog?

Sorry, no dogs allowed on site other than registered assistance dogs.


Is there any food outlets available?

Eureka! has a café which will be open with a limited menu of sandwiches, salads and fries. Or alternatively you can bring your own packed lunch which you can eat within one of their lunch areas. To view their menu please visit the their website Plan your visit - Eureka! The National Children's Museum.


Is Eureka! accessible?

Yes, Eureka! is both wheelchair and pram friendly with, with lifts available. They also have accessible changing facilities/ toilets and a chill out room. For more information please visit Areas - Eureka! Sensory Guide


I’ve booked tickets to your upcoming event, but I haven’t heard anything back?

Don’t worry, once you have made payment our bookings team will send you a confirmation email, then closer to the event our bookings team will be back in touch via email to send you all of the relevant information you will need for the event. Be sure to check your junk folder as sometimes our emails get lost in there.


Will there be a photographer at the event, and how can I access the photos?Yes, we will have a photographer at our event. The photographs taken will be free of charge and will be available on our Facebook page approximately a week after the event. If you prefer not to have your photo taken, please let Harley know, and we will ensure your wishes are respected.


Will you be offering transport to and from the event?

As with all of our events, we do not offer transport, everyone attending is expected to make their own way to and from the event.


Am I able to get a refund or transfer my tickets?

Unfortunately, tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable. If you are unable to attend but would like to gift your tickets to another family, please get in touch with our bookings team who will be able to allocate your tickets to another family on our waiting list.

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